List of Things I Want to do with my Beautiful Girlfriend in 2011

•December 27, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Lately, I’ve been wanting to get a new hobby, to take my mind off things and work on some self improvement. It occurred to me that you and I have the same need as a couple…a need to stay fresh and grow together. These are some ideas that just  shot into my mind and felt perfect for us. I hope you like some of them my love.

-Take a trip on a train to another city. Spend a couple of bucks at a cheap restaurant and take pictures!

-Stumble a recipe and make it that night.

-Write verses for a lullaby to our future children.

-Drive into the country and take pictures…we need to throw down on a nice camera!!

-Work in a soup kitchen together.

-Sample a new coffee or alcoholic drink once every couple of weeks.

– Listen to a new cd together. We like so many of the same kinds of music, it would be fun to discover new stuff together! We should also read a book together. We have plenty of time together now over break and it would be great to be able to read a book or magazine together. This could be something fun to shop for together too!

-Work out together. Take some walks and do some ab ripper every couple of days.

I love you honey and I really want to work on nurturing our relationship and enriching our time together because we deserve that. We have something that other people would die for and I want us to appreciate that to the fullest.

First Post on the New Blog

•January 10, 2010 • Leave a Comment

I’ve been dying to finally get a blog, and now I have one!

I think the first post is going to have to be a short list of New Year’s Resolutions.

  • 1.Read more frequently. I don’t think I can keep up with last year’s resolution to read a book every two weeks, but I think I should be able to finish at least 15 books this year.
  • 2. Get back in shape. This one is cliché, but being in shape is really important to me, and it’s a goal that I try to build my life around.
  • 3. Listen to music more! I’ve really stopped listening to music as much as I used to. And that needs to change. Because I love music too much.
  • 4. Play less video games. I need to restrict it a lot. The reason these other areas of my life need more time invested in them is because video games takes up too much time!!
  • 5. This one is the novel one: I need to write more. I love writing, but I don’t ever force myself to do it, so I never get any better at it.
  • 6. Make the new year as much like this video as possible (its a scene from 500 Days of Summer).